Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
We caught up with Laura Rosewell Senior ECC Nurse at The Ralph veterinary referral centre. Laura holds the RCVS Advanced Nursing Diploma and has worked as dedicated Internal medicine nurse in referral centres. She runs an informative social media page and website sharing her passion for medicine and she recently completed her VTS in Internal Medicine! We thought we'd speak to Laura a little more about specialising as an RVN and about the VTS in Internal Medicine to gain further insight on this.
Monday May 13, 2019
Monday May 13, 2019
We caught up with Shirley Gibbins RVN, Lead IQA and student advocate.We discuss her role as lead IQA at the College of Animal Welfare, what a typical day looks like in her role and how she see's SVN training developing.She gives top tips for clinical coaches and we discuss the extra responsibilities expected of a clinical coach in practice and what this means for the business.
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
We talk to 'The Global Vet Nurse' [Daina Rawlings BSc (Hons) CertVNECC RVN] about: travelling, her degree, VTS (ECC) and she gives us some top tips!